Eating your way through hangover
Have you ever had this familiar feeling of miserable mornings - after making you wonder whether it was all worth it? If you threw back one too many drinks last night, then in this article, Pola will help you plan your food for the perfect hangover cure, amidst all of those pounding headaches.
We have probably all been there, waking up after a long, long night of fun, dancing and… drinks. Oh yes, when our heads hurt and eyes send direct signals that they do not want any of that daylight? Hangover! An old friend of any student. Read on to learn what you can eat or drink, to ease your pain.
Rehydrate and calm your system
First of all, it is important to know what alcohol does to you in the first place. It dehydrates your organism! The cells in your body become smaller and more fragile due to the lack of water in your body fluids, and that is the main reason for your headache. So make sure you have a bottle of water right next to your bed before you even go out.
However, remember that your digestive system is very fragile the morning after, so do not drink the whole bottle in one go, unless you want to feel even more sick. Drink small glasses every so often, and if you can, make the water warm and add ginger to it. Ginger is an amazing ingredient that will calm your nausea and prevent any vomiting.
Despite the fact you will want to, do not drink that cup of coffee you have been dreaming about. Caffeine will dehydrate you even more. Despite being more awake, you will want to go back to the bathroom. Instead, have some green tea, the theine in it will still wake you up a bit but won’t disturb your liver.
Boost the metabolism
When it is time to help your gut process all that alcohol left, the sour taste is your first hint. As a proud Pole, I can tell you that one of the home remedies in Eastern Europe (which is full of vodka-lovers) is pickle juice! That is right, the acid you find in it accelerates your digestive system, and it is a natural probiotic, so the “good bacteria” in your intestines will be happy too! Other examples include kimchi for fans of Asian food, and sauerkraut.
If you do not have any of those gems in your kitchen, orange juice will be almost as good. Fructose, the natural sugar, has been proved to help with digestion of alcohol, and do not even get me started on the amount of vitamin C you will get! Which brings us to the last important topic…
Replenish your vitamins
Not only water disappears from your organism on a party night. The alcohol flushes out a lot of your vitamins and electrolytes, so it is very important to help your body recover through some extra healthy foods or supplements.
When you have a hangover, it is very similar to having a cold. And what is the best remedy for that? Warm soup! If you do have energy after you finally manage to get out of bed, grab some chicken, vegetables and herbs and put them all into a pot! Your body will thank you so much after getting a portion of a nutritious, protein-filled soup. And if you have over-night guests, I’m sure they will be grateful as well.