IE Poetry: Where I Come From
I am from get-togethers
and home cooked Paellas
Sliding down the hill at the park
On old pizza boxes.
I am from Gordita linda
And Princessa. From big family gatherings
That you never wanted to end.
I am from Montessori Sundays With dad reading the paper in his corner seat.
From fighting over which movie We all end up agreeing on.
I am from morning car rides to the bus
When you’re too asleep to think straight
and mom dances along To the newest pop single.
I am four-hour-long bus rides With Diego’s guitar and everyone’s voices.
From songs played again and again
And again.
I am from 11 frogs painted on the wall,
Hoping one day more will be added.
From having lunch at 6:30 pm
And play papelitos on the balcony.
I am from cooking pestiños With my grandpa a week before Christmas.
And fighting the urge To eat more galletitas de nuez than you can count.
I am from Mother’s day celebrations
And 15 de Septiembre fireworks.
From neighborhood halloween parties
That grow smaller every year.
I am from my grandpa’s apple pie,
My grandma’s blueberry tart,
And my grandma’s owl
And spoon collection.
I am from hundreds of books read,
Of songs sung, Of movies rewatched.
I am from us.
I am from you.
I am from me.
Author: Federika Uhthoff
Degree: Bachelor in International Relations
About the Author: Born and raised in Mexico City, Federika grew up in a culturally rich environment that gave her the opportunity to express her thoughts through writing. Federika finds her passion and creativity in the things she enjoys the most: dancing, reading, and deep conversations with friends. Federika studies in Spain, giving her the opportunity to broaden her horizon and enrich her mind by experiencing different cultures and traditions. All her work can be reflected on her life story and the things she values the most.
We will be dedicating this space to publishing poetry that comes from all members of the IE community. Send in your poetry at to be featured!