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Trump scores another win as Kavanaugh is confirmed as Justice, surrounded by controversy.

The appointment of Trump’s nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, as Supreme Court Justice has rocked the landscape of American politics. President Trump viewed Judge Kavanaugh as a darling of the elite Republican establishment and assumed that his appointment would be a painless process.

In September, following the nomination The Washington Post published an article concerning allegations of sexual assault committed by Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the early 1980s. The alleged assault took place at a party while Kavanaugh, aged 17 at the time, was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School.

The purported victim, psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford -15 at the time of the assault- stated under oath that Kavanaugh and a friend of his threw her on a bed, pulled off her clothes, and covered her mouth when she tried to scream. In front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Professor Ford stated that Kavanaugh and his friend laughed while assaulting her.

“They were laughing with each other...I was underneath one of them, while the two laughed...Two friends having a really good time with one another,” claims Ford.

Kavanaugh’s nomination was immediately contested by a demonstration, led primarily by women, that gathered near the Hart Senate building in Capitol Hill after the police barricaded the front of the Capitol. Around 300 people were arrested for the protests, including model Emily Ratajkwoski and stand-up comedian Amy Schumer. The former shared this publicly in social media.

The allegations against Judge Kavanaugh led to an uproar within the democratic party. Seasoned democratic leaders called for the immediate dismissal of Kavanaugh’s appointment after Professor Ford’s testimony. Minority Senate leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) pressed the Democratic party to block Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation in the Senate.

“I strongly believe Judge Kavanaugh should withdraw from consideration. If he will not, at the very least, the hearing and vote should be postponed while the FBI investigates all of these allegations,” he demanded. While Sen. Schumer fought for democratic unity on the issue, his attempts did not manage to prevent West Virginia Senator, Joe Manchin from voting to confirm Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

In light of democratic of social pressure, President Trump ordered the FBI investigate the claims of sexual misconduct against the nominee. Said investigation was agreed to be limited to a week in time, and its scope was restricted to the “credible” allegations against him, such as the one Blasey-Ford brought forward.

On October 6, following no significant findings on the investigation, the Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the supreme court with a vote of 50 to 48. Kavanaugh’s successful nomination ensures President Trump a crucial victory as the Supreme Court is now controlled by a majority of conservatives, 5 to 4. Kavanaugh’s voting record is consistently conservative, constantly opposing abortion and upholding relaxed gun laws. Supreme Court justices hold the position for life, meaning that Kavanaugh, aged 53, will remain at the Supreme Court permanently. President Trump already appointed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch in April of 2017.

With the majority of the Supreme Court now controlled by conservative judges, it is expected that laws and regulations passed during the Obama administration will be reduced or stripped of power.


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