Spring Fair
Tuesday, 17th of April, keep this date in mind, it's going to be a FUN day.
From 12 to 18 pm, the Social Lab is organizing a nice event to welcome spring and help PSE (Por la Sonrisa de un niño - for the smile of a child). This NGO has as its purpose giving children in Cambodia a better future mostly throw education.
On the program there are a MUS tournament, games, a Cambodian Artisanal Market to raise funds, and a raffle with prizes, such as a watch (Fitbit), a Samsonite suitcase, a dinner at Sushita Cafe... Pizza and drinks will be provided!
For the MUS Tournament, the price is 5€/person
The prizes are:
1st Pair: shoes from Pompeii
2nd Pair: a pack of Beers special edition Mahou
Register by contacting with:
Agustin Romero Ayala: +34 664 366 643
Sofia Perez Ansa: +34 645 363 550
For the Raffle, you can find tickets all the week at Student Hub and during the Spring Fair.
Price: 2€/ticket
Don't miss this date, because as well as having a lot of fun, nice competition, possible prizes and quality time with your friends, you will be able to help PSE.