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Poetry at IE - A Touch & A Tear

A Touch & A Tear

A touch, a tear,

and the inevit unable.

An inch to an abyss,

and the never ending sea.

The joy’s filled with sorrow,

the delight’s pierced with an arrow.

And her light that shines,

will break through the rift.

The touch of her skin,

fills my soul with a burden.

An injection through my vain,

lights my eyes to her echo.

There’s no time nor place,

for an innocent love, love.

Circumstance my dear,

within a touch and a tear.

For you are the wind,

and I’m a ship that has sailed.

Slowly in the night time,

I drift as the ocean weeps for you and I.

So don’t cry on this dark and eerie night,

as your palm rests into mine.

Buried deep in the hope of a home.

A touch and a tear my dear,

For tonight, I’m afraid,

we’re alone.

Author: Daniel Bloch

Degree: Dual International Relations and Business

About the writer: Daniel is a 21-year-old Australian, with a strong passion for sports, the outdoors and especially the ocean. All of these things have worked to inspire, develop and enhance his enjoyment of the creative arts. Writing in particular has been a big part of his life since the age of 6. As such, he has always been enticed by the way a person can play with words in different ways so as to create powerful messages, and most of all how others can come up with their own interpretations and emotional response to them! That, for him is the beauty of writing.

Other works: A film by Daniel– Ceaseless

We will be dedicating this space to publishing poetry that comes from all members of the IE community. Send in your poetry at to be featured!


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