#LastGame: IE University, the girls’ basketball team

On Sunday January 21st, the girls from IE University or Stallions had their last game of the Liga Provincial against UVa team at Pabellón de La Lastrilla.
IE University was defeated 20-61. Regardless, the game was filled with excitement and good vibes from both teams, principally because they train together in La Lastrilla, which has allowed them to become friends.
“This game was one of the most fun because it is with the girls we practice with” said Irene Ocariz, first year BBA student. “[Before] We lost a couple games, we won one, but I came to this game just wanting to have fun.”
In this game Irene Ocariz, Lou Ladoire, Anita de la Rosa, Linda El Zaher, Asmaa El-Baaz, Rocío de Rosa and Irene Lumiari were playing.
During the first quarter of the game Linda and Rocío did make some incredible passes, but the set was lost 3-14 with the 3 baskets scored by Anita de Rosa.

During the second quarter the team loosed around 30-40 balls and couldn’t shoot many baskets. Anita de Rosa scored again 3 baskets, with the score being as the first quarter one, 3-14.
After an accident that occurred to team captain Lou Ladoire during the first half, the team quickly recovered and were following the coach’s instructions. Irene Ocariz, Anita and Rocío scored a total of 8 baskets, ending the quarter with a score of 8-15.
During the last quarter, the girls did an amazing job; already a bit tired, Aasma and Rocío could score 6 baskets, finishing the quarter 6-18.

For future games, IE University received advice from their coach.
“The girls should work on passing the ball and then they can learn other things, the movement of the pass is really important” said Javier Gonzales, team coach.
Anita de Rosa was the top scorer of the game, she felt happy for such recognition, but also knew it is all thanks to her team.
“I believe that there is no such top player, if it wasn’t for my teammates passing me the balls I wouldn’t be able to score” said de Rosa.
Player Irene Ocariz will join the UVa team
On Tuesday, January 23rd IE University team player Irene Ocariz signed contract with UVa to join them on training and on some local championships.

Given that some team players from IE University are leaving for their internship in March, the team doesn’t have enough players to be in certain competitions. For Ocariz to continue training, she was offered a position with the UVa team, which she happily took.
“I’m thankful for having the opportunity to play in one of the top Segovian teams, plus I will be able to practice more often, three times a week instead of two” said Ocariz.
The UVa Team is already excited to have Ocariz with them
“I am very happy to have her on the team” said Isabel Valverde, UVa team player. “If she wants to keep on practicing and play with us it will be an amazing opportunity for her and my team.”
Ocariz will still play with IE University in the University League, especially in Trofeo Rector. But will play with UVa for the Segovian League or Castilla-Leon League.

The IE University girls’ basketball team is happy for Irene and also for the results from the games of the season. As the team’s coach said, the girls are getting better with practice. This semester, when architecture students go for their internship, the team will most likely participate in 3 against 3 matches.