IEU Wellbeing Centre for Gender Equality
IEU Wellbeing Centre decided to kick-off the new semester with a clear task in mind: to raise the awareness on issues of gender equality and sexual harassment on campus. The idea is guided by the Agenda for the Gender Equality 2020 published by the Regional Government of Castile and León, with the aim of redefining strategic areas of action, prioritising equality of employment and social participation, and eliminating gender-based violence.
To clarify the guidelines of the partnership between IE University and the Regional Government of Castile and León, to understand the action plan, and to inquire into the future of the initiative, The Stork sat down with Soraya Polanco Palomar – the Project Manager from the side of IEU Wellbeing Centre.
According to Mrs. Polanco, the Regional Government of Castile and León approached all educational institutions in the region with clear instructions: to raise the awareness of sexual harassment and gender equality issues within the student body and the staff. IEU Wellbeing Centre found the request reasonable and in response, created a two-step project: a series of professional-led seminars for students and staff, conveniently intertwined with the informative campaign with impactful and straightforward messages on campus.
The scheduled seminars will focus not only on the early prevention of issues of sexual harassment and gender inequality, but also on how to deal with particular cases if they arise. IEU Wellbeing Center, upon understanding the tight curriculum, are planning to provide various seminars at different times. Thus, ensuring the maximum spread of information within the student body.
The first two seminars will be available on campus on March 19 at 16:30 and March 21 at 13:30. The second two seminars will be available on campus on March 26 at 16:30 and March 28 at 13:30.
For students who do not feel secure, who are at threat, or just need a person to talk to, Mrs. Polanco advises to consult the Mentoring and Counselling department for the service, available free of charge, and executed by the highly trained professionals from SINEWS – experienced therapeutic service provider.
For more detailed information, please contact the IEU Wellbeing Centre by email, or follow them on Instagram @wellbeingcenter.ieu.