IE unveils plans for new sports facilities on campus, but at what cost?
IE’s Segovia Campus parking area is now compromised for the construction of an on-campus sports facility, due to the recurrent demand of students and the University’s aspirations. Construction work will start after mandatory modification of power lines and when all permissions arrive.
Students were notified via an open letter of the new sports facility and the consequential removal of the parking lot during the summer. IEU Athletics sees the new facility as a catalyst for a greater sports community and a way to promote a healthy lifestyle. However, this action changes IE students’ commute to the university resulting in some unsatisfied students. This project has created a strong reaction amongst the community.
“The university believes a sports facility is more important than parking lots,” and “All the changes we are doing are for the better of the students,” said Juan Barrio in charge of IEU Athletics and Student Relations.
Barrio clarifies that if anyone has a problem with this, students should approach the Vice- Rectors (Antonio de Castro and Miguel Larrañaga), as well for other issues where, “we will love to hear feedback from the students.”
The sports facility will consist of, “two multiple outdoor sports area, where students will be able to play basketball, small football, probably volleyball, badminton and any other activity. There will be locker rooms, for people that want to change and have a shower,” confirmed Barrio.
But, is the use of a car in Segovia a necessity? Students and staff had diverse opinions about this topic.
“Segovia is not very big and almost everyone can come walking. It is a great way to promote a more sustainable way to come to Uni, and is better for the student’s health,” argued Barrio and admitted that “Obviously is a problem for those who don’t live close, we are really sorry.”
Some students agree that walking more often brings benefits.
“Is convenient, but not necessary at all and this year I try to walk more often so I don’t spend gas and try to avoid polluting without necessity in Segovia,” agreed Carlota Guedes, 2nd year Communications student.
However, for those who don’t live close by, IE hasn’t provided an alternative to the parking lots and have recommended people to park on the huge esplanade next to the Factory Residence Hall.
Luckily, some staff members still have a parking space.
“Staff has the same problem. It is true we have a small parking lot (40 spots) in the back of the Uni, but they are reserved for professors,” acknowledged Juan Barrio.
“I park next to the factory, this is a risk. For instance, today I got the last spot in the parking... and not having parked there would’ve meant that I have to pay to park for myself elsewhere,” said Luis Martinez, 2nd year BBA BBIR, and assured “is pretty frustrating as when you start university you buy a car, so you can use it during the university, knowing that you have a car park to use, and within two weeks’ notice of the start of the year, you are told you aren’t going to be able to park again.”
IE’s campus spacing problem results in a case of opportunity cost. With people questioning how space should be used. The sports facility was the decision taken by the University.
“With that space, they can make more areas for students to talk, another cafeteria or more classrooms. Not a football court which not everybody is into, but a gym yes,” said Carlota Guedes.
“Doing the sports facility is completely unnecessary as what was needed was a sports hall or a gym so IE students don’t have to go all the way to Dreamfit or Forus which is very far in Segovia. What we are going to have is two plastic outdoor courts which will be useless beginning from October onwards when it starts getting colder in Segovia until April when we start to have better weather,” voiced out Luis Fernandez, basketball player.
For the staff, they said the sports facility was a pressing issue demanded by students in multiple Student Representative meetings and it was the next step necessary for sports at IE, explaining that having the opportunity to play in between classes or at any time at University will allow students to release stress and have fun.
The exclusive use of these facilities “Is not going to be on a competitive level,” in fact they intend to, “have intramural competitions which are students from different levels playing helping the integration of people with similar interests doing something you love,” explained Barrio.
IEU Athletics explained that the sports facility will be open anytime the University is open, and students will have to ask for the equipment at the student office. If necessary, they will even implement a time managing tool. The construction will start after they finish the power lines project (underground reform) which was mandatory due to a risk health factor.
IEU Athletics stated that everything relates to commitment and wants to make a call for students to do so with their teams, training and anything they are interested in.
“At the end, this is a battle that we need to fight together because if the students commit the University we will be able to give more to the students,” remarked Barrio.