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IE University at the Trofeo Rector

Salamanca - Last month, on Friday March 16th and Saturday 17th, IE University athletes competed for the fifth time in the 28th edition of Trofeo Rector, hosted by Universidad de Salamanca.

The sports competition between the eight different universities located in Castilla y León, was held this year in Salamanca. The Trofeo was commemorating as well, Universidad de Salamanca's foundation 8th centennial anniversary.

A delegation of IE athletes from different disciplines, traveled for a weekend filled with teamwork, energy and fair play.

"IE University was invited to participate as one of the eight universities in Castilla y León" said Clint Goodrich, Student Life coordinator and BKB boys team coach. "This way we offer the opportunity to students to compete at a professional level while strengthening our relationship with other universities in Castilla y León."

IE University delegations participated in boys and girls basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis, indoor football, boys outdoor football, and chess.

The Stork was present in the competition, witnessing the hard effort IE athletes had put for a whole semester to prepare for the competition. For all the IE Community, we have prepared a series of team pictures and the final results for each.

Basketball Boys

The basketball boys had two intense games with very tough competitors. First game played was against Universidad Pontificia Salamanca. On a very tight score-wise match, IEU was defeated 28-21. The second game was against Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes, where IEU lost 32 to 43.

Nevertheless, coach Clint was proud of his boys.

“We went to compete for the joy of competing and with great sportsmanship,” he stated.

Basketball Girls

One of the newest teams from IE University, the BKB girls, with great spirit enjoyed a weekend together as a team. The girls put their maximum effort, but were defeated by the other universities' teams. The Stallions lost 61-9 against Universidad de León and 42-0 against Universidad de Valladolid.

"All the girls agree that we are super lucky to be here, because... we all get to play and participate... and the best part is that we are all as a team in a different city and everything is super fun" said Lou Ladoire, the team captain, "I'm super proud of my team."

Outdoor Football Boys

The football boys were one of our biggest winners. Friday, on their first game they defeated Universidad de Valladolid 4-2, and on their second game they won 6-3 against Universidad de Burgos.

Then on Saturday, the boys competed for the chance to get 4th place in their category. On their first game, they played against the Trofeo Rector hosts, Universidad de Salamanca. Sadly the team lost 1-2. Then, they had their second match of the day against Universidad de León, where they tied 3-3, finishing 6th place.

One of the team members, Jonah Perry, a 1st year BBA student, not only enjoyed playing his matches, but the whole event.

"I think that the tournament was a lot of fun, especially because all of the other sports teams went to Salamanca as well, so it was nice to support the other teams, and get to know people from other sports," said Perry.

Indoor Football Boys

For indoor football boys, IEU didn't win the two matches they participated in. The first match was lost by a 2 goal difference against Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, and the second one by a 10 goal difference against Universidad de Burgos.

Indoor Football Girls

In feminine indoor football, IEU played against Universidad de León and Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes, losing both matches 4 to 1.

Volleyball Boys

On Friday afternoon, the Volleyball boys played against Universidad de Valladolid losing 2 sets to 0. Nevertheless, the boys were able to go to the next round and play against Universidad de Burgos on Saturday, where they won 2-0. Then they played against Universidad de Salamanca losing 2 sets to 1.

One of the team players, Nicolás López 2nd year BBA student, believes the team did good but they could have performed better.

"I think we could have performed a lot better. The individualism and the pressure didn't help the team spirit much. In the last two games, with our heads colder, we were able to play good volleyball and even clinch a win. Overall, we are a bit disappointed because we feel we could have done more." said López.

Volleyball Girls

Later the volleyball girls played against Universidad de Valladolid and Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes. On their first match, they lost 2 sets to 0, but on their second match the tables turned and won 2 sets to 0.


The IEU Boys tennis, represented by Enrique Garcia, finished with a second place overall! The first match was against Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca with a final score UPSA-IEU 0-2/4-5/10. The second match was against Universidad de León, where the final score was ULE-IEU 1/4 - 1/4. Then, on Saturday, Garcia played against Universidad de Salamanca: 0/4 - 0/4. The final match was against Universidad de Burgos, with IEU's representative winning 4/0 - 4/0.

The IEU Girls side played against Universidad de Burgos on Friday in a very long and intense match, where the final score was of 6/3-1/6-7/10. On Saturday, IEU played against Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, with a final score of UPSA-IEU 4/1 - 4/0. The other match was against Universidad de Valladolid, with a score of IEU-UVA 4/2 0/4 10/5.


The masculine badminton IEU team lost on both occasions 3-0 to Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes and to Universidad de Valladolid.

The girls team, had a first match on Friday where they lost 3-0 against Universidad de León. Then, on Saturday they had a match against Universidad de Burgos with a final score of 1 IEU 2 UBU. Afterwards, IEU won by a 'Walk Out' against Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes.


Last but not least the results for chess. Remy Chourie de Lavigerie ranked 13 on the competition, David Gonzalez Ortiz ranked 17, Yacine Lakhimiri 19 and Ivan Camilo Mejía ranked 20.

"Being a participant at Trofeo Rector is an amazing experience itself, nonetheless, being an IE participant is even better," expressed David González, 3rd year BBA BIR student. "The thing I enjoyed the most was being able to play against professional chess players as well as being able to support my colleagues at different sports."

Congratulations again to everyone who participated on the Trofeo Rector. IEU athletes left their best on their game, demonstrating their commitment and preparation they have had for almost a year. IEU won 7th place overall, which is IEU's first time not being ranked last, with Student Life Coordinator Clint Goodrich happily receiving the price.

Hopefully, next year even more IE students will participate in Trofeo Rector, with a possibility of being held in Segovia due to IEU's hosting turn, however the arrangements are still being discussed.


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