Girls BKB team calls out to fans to close the season
The girls’ basketball team IE University or Stallions will have the last game of Liga Provincial next Sunday at 8 pm in Pabellón de La Lastrilla, Lou Ladoire, team captain, calls out for students to come and cheer.
IE University has been playing in Liga Provincial since last October. Last Sunday IE University played against Sanso, one of the best teams in Segovia, in a rematch game. On this occasion, IE University could keep up with Sanso’s playing level during the game’s first quarter, but weren’t able during the next 3 quarters.
“We just came from the holidays, most of hadn’t gone to training, or only had one day of training. But, when we were playing it felt natural and we all just fitted together again." Said Lou Ladoire, captain of the team. “Sadly, we lost, but we remain positive for the next game”
Next match will be played against the team from Universidad de Valladolid, UVA. This team won last year’s tournament and will pose a challenge to IE University. Nevertheless, the team members remain positive.
“We may be a small team but we have a great spirit." said team player Paulina Godynyuk. "Despite not having won many matches, I feel that this team keeps progressing as we are committed and have a passion for the sport.”
The team’s line-up for the weekend consists of Linda El Zaher, Paulina Godynyuk, Anita De Rosa, Lou Ladoire, Rocío de Rosa, and Asma El-Baaz. Last semester the team members had a group of unofficial cheerleaders, most of them exchange students who already left campus. To finish positively the tournament, the girls will like to have people to come encourage them.
"A couple of my exchange friends who came to cheer last semester told me one of their best memories at IE were the times they came to cheer at games” Ladoire said. “For next match, we would really like to have more people attending so we can have good energy on the last game of the tournament. When people come cheer not only the team gets excited and less tired, but everybody can have a good time.”
You can come join IE University this Sunday 21st at Pabellón La Lastrilla by taking the bus with the team that will leave Vía Roma at 7:15 pm.
IE University will later this year play a three against three tournaments and participate on the Trofeo Rector.