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Conference with the Russian Ambassador

The IE International Relations Club started in 2018 hosting a conference with the Russian Ambassador in Spain, Yuri P. Korchagin. The event was conducted with the International Trade Club and focused on current foreign policy of Russia and its diplomatic relations with Spain.

Russia has been one of the main agents in global diplomatic relations for the last century. Its point of view regarding different diplomatic issues is quite relevant and sometimes seen as contradictory to the “Western Narrative”. This is especially true since in the eyes of the Western reader, Russian narrative is usually reduced to Russia Today (RT), which is dubbed as “Propaganda Bullhorn”.

Mr Korchagin started off by saying that in today’s world, where we are constantly bombarded with information, it is vital to carefully examine it and not to make rushed conclusions regarding key political events, as even news sources deemed “legitimate” often have ulterior motives in the propagation of inaccurate or biased facts. He also invited students to reflect on the world we live in as “it is no longer unipolar but multipolar and undergoing turbulent changes.” This is of importance, especially to students with an interest in entering the world of diplomacy. Diplomacy, which entails protecting the interests of one’s country, has never been an easy job, but with the world’s pace increasing it has become even more challenging.

Mr Korchagin also highlighted the following three central challenges to Russian Foreign Policy:

1. War of disinformation

“Disinformation is a very strong and effective weapon” and even more so with the amount of information available – legitimate or not, but often presented as truthful news stories, it is used to manipulate public opinion. In today’s informational environment, due to easy availability and the amounts of information we are faced with every day, one must always choose what to trust. Otherwise, we risk being manipulated into believing any of these narratives.

Since Donald Trump’s election as President of the USA, Russia has being accused of rigging or influencing political events. Similar examples were also mentioned, including: Russia being accused of causing Brexit, then meddling with the French election of 2017 and as the result, now the words “Russian hackers” seem to be able to explain absolutely anything.

2. International Terrorism

Mr Korchagin underlined how important it is to unite forces against the common threat that is currently mostly posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). Being a menace to all states, Korchagin explained that the unification is the only possible solution to counter this threat.

3. Sanctions

Mr Korchagin stated that the harm caused by the internet is greater than the profits generated by it. Sanctions are undoubtedly a useful instrument, which is exercised effectively to achieve certain objectives. Currently, Russia is suffering from EU sanctions that were imposed under pressure of US back in 2014. He then underlined the interesting fact that, despite forcing EU to impose sanctions on Russia, the US itself feels indifferent towards these sanctions, as they purchased gas from Russia just a few weeks back.

Also, Russia's internal agriculture industry has grown as a consequence of the sanctions, and as result of that Russia has become the world's biggest wheat exporter. However, these sanctions resulted in a decrease in profits created by trade between Spain and Russia, entailing loss of jobs and businesses to many Spanish farmers, who often only produced to export.

Mr Korchagin concluded with stating that despite all the hardships that Russia and Spain go through together, there has always been strong mutual respect amongst the two countries.

Mr Korchagin is in the diplomatic service since 1977. He has worked in various positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and Russia, as well as in foreign missions of the USSR in Mexico and Peru, and as Minister Counsellor of the Russian Embassy in Argentina.

Korchagin also worked in international organizations in Geneva (1984) and Paris (1985). In 1994 he was a member of the UN Observer Group in the Republic of Mozambique.

In 2003 - 2004 he served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Colombia.

From October 2004 to July 7, 2009 he was Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Argentine Republic. Concurrently, from October 2004 to December 2008, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Paraguay .

Since September 2009, as Director of the Latin American Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

From February 2012, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of Spain.

He holds the highest diplomatic rank - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation.


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