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Human Rights
Human rights--as they are defined and used in the modern age--are proclaimed, defended, and attacked ruthlessly (literally). Iterations...
Medellín like a Phoenix
I wasn’t born during the times of Pablo Escobar, and neither did I live them. I did not have to fear going out to the streets because of...
Modern Slavery
Slavery is an activity that has survived the numerous breakthroughs of man. It lurks in the shadow of history, sometimes claiming the...
An insight into the European Central Bank's latest decision
On 25th October 2018, the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) came together to decide how to further pursue their...
What´s going on in Brazil? A quick summary of events
Like most things happening in politics, we have a general feeling that things have been going on for so long that if we do not follow...
Weapons of mass destruction: the American dream
‘'Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.'' – Winston Churchill The US - Iran relationship has never been an...
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